Romania :
North Macedonia
3. Doing a Research about project themes
Romania :
Spain :
North Macedonia :
Portugal :
5. Designing project logo
7. Designing a project poster
11. Learning Teaching Activities : Gamification Implementations- North Macedonia 23.05.2022-27.05.2022 in Kavadarci
12. Transnational Project Meeting - Planning of the project results production (digital games) Transnational Project Meeting - Planning of the project results production (digital games)-)04 - 05 July 2022, Torbali Anadolu Lisesi -Izmir, Turke
13. Learning Teaching Activities- Digital Content Development,
26-28th October , ASSOCIATION TERRAS-LUSAS- Portugal
14.Preparing Bulletin boards
TPM1: Croatia:
Education Web 2 0 Tools In Education Cáceres, Spain :
LTT- Gamification Implementations”: Macedonia ,
LTT- Gamification Implementations”: Imbunatatirea competentelor digitale Mobilitati -Spania și Macedonia:
TPM2 Turkey- Izmir . - Planning-of-digital-games:
Mobilities and Social Media Tools for Dissemination: DiGiTaL -
LTT -Digital Content Development, Portugalia
15. Informative Seminars after LTT activities
Practical activities with students. The web 2.0 learned in LTT - Education: Web 2.0 Tools in Education – ES Javier García Téllez - Spain
2.The English teachers introduced web 2.0 tools learned: and practiced
Blooket pt Past Tense (irregular verbs and mixed)
- Prezi – Idioms pt European Day Languages:
- Plickers – Idioms pt European Day of Languages
17. Informative Seminars after LTT activities
European Code Week : Haw to use Scratch to make Educational Games:
The teachers and students involved in the Project Implementation Team of DiGiT - Digital Games Treasury and Library, KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school education - from the Technical College "Petru Poni" Roman, had lessons on using the Scratch Program to create the Educational Games. Codeweek for all code with other people: cw22-0pDNP
16th November 2022- International Day for Tolerance
Another way to teach TOLERANTCE - Dissemination of project activities - LTT Portugal
Practical Activities with students. They used Genially.
– Escape room (
- Preparate microscopice ( quizzlet
Grammar can also be fun!
18. Informative Seminars after LTT activities
19. Informative Seminars after LTT activities
Between December 5-11, 2022, over 500 students from the "Petru Poni" Romanian Technical College will join students from all over the world to celebrate Computer Science Education Week, Hour of Code - Hour of Programming.
As part of this activity, students had the opportunity to use the tutorials made available by the organizers of the Hour of Code Week and Computer Science Education, the Advisory and Analysis Committees, as well as an unprecedented coalition of partners, who have joined for to support Hour of Code - including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Boys and Girls Clubs of America and the Commission on Education.
20. Informative Seminars after LTT activities
15-18 December 2022 - Augmented Reality- to create Games Educational – Biology- Cells